
Wednesday, February 6, 2019

How did you explore victim and violence? :: Drama

How did you explore dupe and violence?As an assessed sword monkey piece found on Domestic Violence, the group Iwas in explored victim and violence by using a number of explorativestrategies and drama mediums. In the play, we explored the feeling of beingness a victim of violence and how a victim of violence becomes aviolator. The play that we performed was based on two key words fromthe song, Behind the Wall by Tracy Chapman. The two words arevictim and violence. The plays main theme is irony.The play revolves around two images that used to attend schooltogether. One of the characters, Catherine compete by Bronwyn, had a rugged status at school and was ever so bullied. The other character,Kevin played by Sean, was a bully and therefore had a higher status.However, as time passes Kevin becomes a low status character andCatherine evolves into a high status character. This results in thebullied person now being the bully and i day meeting the characterwho bullied her through c hildhood. there is also a host played byOliver, and a wait - played by Joelle.The first scene was set in a modern day, British caf. To make theaudience aware of the setting, a dummy up image was used as the openingof the play. The still image consisted of 2 holds facing each other,one down form left and one up stage right. In front of each c copper wasa main character. The high status character, Catherine, was placed infront of the chair down stage left. Catherine stood in a slouchyposition and her hair a mess. This gave the audience a clue thatCatherine was of a higher status. The low status character, Kevin, wasplaced in front of the chair up stage right. Kevin stood with his headpositioned towards the floor. The reason the low status character wasplaced annex was to give the audience a hint of the characterssocial status. This is because a conventional low status person ismore likely to blend into the priming of a caf than sit near thefront window to be viewed by passin g pedestrians. Behind each chair,facing down stage, was a waiter/waitress. The movements of the waiterand waitress were performed synchronistical. This means that they bothwalked to the table at the kindred time and both spoke at the same time.This was used to depute that the waiter and waitress were of equalstatus and relevantly insignificant in the play.The two characters of the play are complete contrasts.

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